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Dec 03

Organize Your Wrapping Paper With Hook and Loop Tie Wraps

Here in the northeast United States, the air is getting colder, snow is falling, and it's a nightmare to drive anywhere! That can only mean one thing: the holiday season is upon us! Along with the season comes good food (probably too much), festive drinks (probably too many), and of course, gift wrapping & giving.

Once the gifts are wrapped up, what are you going to do with all of those extra wrapping paper rolls? Probably stuff them in a closet somewhere and hope the edges don't get crinkled. Right?

WRONG! Store them the right way!

Before I discovered this excellent way to store my wrapping paper, I was guilty of just shoving the rolls wherever they would fit. Under a bed, the back of a closet, anywhere I could find until the next holiday season. But alas, I found the perfect solution to keep the wrapping paper rolls bound tight! That solution is the hook and loop tie wrap. At first glance, these ties might not seem like much, but once you dig a little deeper, you'll see a world of possibilities.

A world of options that extends far beyond just cables!

The repeated use of hook and loop tie wraps is the feature I feel is top of the list. Unlike most zip ties, which are once and done, tie wraps can be used hundreds of times without a loss in holding power. Being able to adjust the tension, so you're not crushing whatever you're trying to organize, makes hook and loop a superior option over zip ties. And of course, like all ties, the versatility and usability make them a must-buy!

Thanks for reading, and hopefully, you'll be able to use this info during your holiday shopping to keep your wrapping paper looking fresh and not a wrinkled, crinkled mess!
Leave your comment
12/10/2019 11:20 AM
This is a really cool idea. Never though to use those velcro things to keep the rolls tight.